

pumpernickel        n.全麥黑麵包

Chinese leeks        n.韭菜

celery        n.芹菜

Borscht        n.(Russian)羅素湯

diarrhea        n.腹瀉

manure        n.牛糞

organic        n.有機的

nightsoil        n. human's damp

DNR = Do not resuscitate

Any person who does not wish to undergo lifesaving treatment

in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest can get a DNR order,

although DNR is more commonly done when a person who has an inevitably fatal illness

wishes to have a more natural death without painful or invasive medical procedures.

This week, I learned some words about food and some topics about global warming.

Concernig to health, we talked to each other and sharing the diease for "checking-out."

When the patient gives up the sequential treatment,

he or she can order the DNR for natural death without suffering more pain.

