I have been alleviated from the inextricablely bad mood with the conincidence of the rain season in spring.
Hankering for a resonance of sincerity is an absolutely difficult thing in these days;
even I tried my best to get rid of that specter and looked on the bright side.
Sometimes, a stranger's greeting is better than an acquaintance's glance.
However, I have to concede first that I try to avoid anybody and cancel all the names in my phone book.
Why did you do that? someone asked.
Why had they beeni doing that? I answered.
What I want to accentuate is not the form of the communication but the pulse of sharing.
Recalling of a past memory about focusing on some affairs,
I might usually be the notorious one because of too many questions.
It is inevitable that you may communicate with or talk to somebody you much acquainted and ask him or her about "the other one."
If you do not wanna share, than what's the next step?
Personally, I willl make a backfire on you.
It is not a revenge but a mirror that reflects something indifferent or hostile among us.
Maybe this cold rain could be an incarnation of my tranquility and contemplation.
I just come and go away, changing to another resortment for an anonymous story.
Kind of idiosyncrastic or seclusive...and use these unfamiliar words on purpose,
(somehow, it may be a piece of cake to someone else.)
Well, I have return to grab the reins of my emotion.
Additionally, writing and learning are part and parcel of my life,
and I hope earning money could be the next goal into the course.
Well, share something positive if you are patient to tredge to the last.
We always say that phrase "bask in the sun" because we wanna get warmth from the mighty and greatness.
Then, why not bask in the rain, you'll say I must be kidding......we only get showered in "cats and dogs from the sky."
Nevertheless, facing the cold drawbacks and thinking over the introspection, like rain precipitating into a pool,
deposit the energy and refreshment and wait for a desert of mind to rescue.