
Ciao! Bocconi - 1

Today is the first day to receive the students from Bocconi.

As I mentioned before, they are all first grade of their master degree in Italy.

Not to mention that the Italian are one branch of heritage of the Latins,

most of them have a high nose, gray with blue eyes, and solid figures on their face.

Though they are Italian, they can speak fluent English with a little Italian accent.


The first student I knew today is Paolo,

and some of my classmates said that his face in profile is like the actor of Miranda's husband in Sex And The City.

Paolo was a nice guy, making himself stylish, and had a good chatting and interaction with me.

I had to say that most of them knew how to stylishly dress and make-up.

Compared to them, local students seemed kind of DRAB.

Alberto looked knowledgeable and talked in a soft way.

Mattia, was a two-seats far away from me so that we did not have deeper talk.

Valentina, a really shy girl majoring in law, was of composition but looked tired and was seated by my left side.

Ilya, a white nice guy, who shared the life and education in Italy with me tried his best to take challenge on his degree.


("熟男系"教授Bonini & "動感攀岩高手"助教Laura) (我們上課的教室:寶來的白先生所捐的!!)

It was a exhausting day for me to receive them all day cause I had to wake up earlier 

and gave my hands to colleague who joined in this reception campaign;

besides, some local graduates and me had to take courses with them.

Later after the class, I rushed to book the seats in 公館 for the hot-pot dinner next week.

Moreover, I rode my motor to 大坪頂 to make sure their hotel.

That's the first day as a war starts.

Let me call it a day!!!

I will make up the pics of some foreigners for the blog later.


