
Lesson 7 Scorpion

As the signs of the zodiac shown,

the Scorpio is at the time of the last autumn and the beginning of winter.

That means everything goes into another progress.

Sometimes, people may connect the Death of the Tarot with the Scorpio.

All things desease, but only the pureness of childlike threshold will survive.

Every end is another outset.

For some of my friends and for me,

we have been going on our life and chasing after our dreams.

I remembered writing a letter of confession last birthday;

well, many secrets witten inside that might be a good memory and reminder for me to strife forward.

Actually, parts of my personality keep other people from me with distances.

I do not know the reason, but somehow that I become the one you know but I disagree.

Even when I need somebody, but there's nobody.

Kind of pathetic and pessimistic...

and I am not so good as you imagine...

I have to say thanks to some of you cuase you are really kind without craftiness (compared to me),

and you do a good job on standing my emotion, truely!

Moreover, some of you always provide me lots of creativity and thoughts,

and I try to take you as a target to catch up with and encourage myself to move forward.

25, what a square number of 5...hmm

I just write randomly and hope truely and deeply that......

we are now still good as before and we may become better from now on.

Express my sincerity to all of you, and thank you.

The wishes of this year......let them be

